Arts Education for Children Group
Arts Education for Children Group is a Non-Profit organization, dedicated to providing opportunities for artistic and cultural enrichment. Additionally, AECG is committed to improving the quality of education in our schools by restoring music programs and restoring public awareness about the importance of participation in music and the arts.

Welcome to the AECG website.
Serving the Maui Community since 1996!
Jazz Maui

Scholarships for aspiring singers ages 15 - 19
Register to spend a day learning from seasoned professionals and working vocalists on Saturday, June 25, 2022! Learn more on and answer our one-question essay. Five finalists will be chosen on June 24, 2022.
The full-day event is being held at Maui’s newest recording & rehearsal space, Backlit Buddha Studios, and is hosted by recording artist and lifetime entertainer, Sheryl Renee. Featured clinicians are the incredible singing-songwriting duo, Tempa Singer-Nave and Naor Nave of the Tempa & Naor Project, and 30 year Maui resident and songbird, Gina Martinelli.